Les cours de plongée PADI

Page d'accueil
Cours pour nouveaux plongeurs
Cours avancés et Rescue
Cours de Spécialités PADI
Cours Professionnels et stages

Que vous plongiez pour la première fois ou que vous prépariez les examens d'instructeur PADI, nous prenons l'enseignement de la plongée très au sérieux. L'adhésion stricte aux normes PADI signifie que nous respectons le contenu de votre cours ou les exigences de performance. Nous respectons également vos plongées puisque nous souhaitons offrir une expérience de qualité sur les sites de plongée les mieux adaptés. Nous enseignons en petits groupes de maximum 4 personnes pour que chaque étudiant reçoive l'attention qui lui est dû. 
Tous nos prix incluent la location de l'équipement complet, et la plupart des cours peuvent être réservés dans la langue de votre choix: anglais, allemand, français, russe ou hébreu.

Cours pour Nouveaux Plongeurs

Expérimentez le monde sous-marin. Découvrez la sensation d'apesanteur.
Explorez de magnifiques récifs coralliens, observez des créatures aquatiques fascinantes, plongez sur des épaves historiques, et appréciez des paysages sous-marins étonnants. Chaque année, ½ million de nouveaux plongeurs sont certifiés avec PADI (Professional Association of Diving Instructors) – soit 70 % des nouveaux plongeurs dans le monde! Il est temps d'obtenir votre certification!

Open Water Diver

En quelques jours passionnants, vous allez apprendre á plonger. Vos premières plongées seront organisées dans une eau calme et peu profonde, puis progressivement vous vous aventurerez dans une eau plus profonde pour finir votre cours á 18 mètres.

Le cours PADI Open Water est composé de:
5 Révisions des Connaissances
Sessions en classe ainsi qu'une étude personnelle afin d'acquérir toute la connaissance nécessaire pour comprendre les bases de la plongée
5 plongées en Milieu Protégé
Apprentissage et pratique d'exercices en eau peu profonde. Pas besoin d'une piscine a Eilat!
4 plongées en milieu naturel
Utilisez vos compétences et améliorez vos connaissances, et explorez!
+ skin diving, planification d'une mini-plongée en milieu protégé, des plongées supplémentaires pour satisfaire aux exigences requises du cours PADI.

Nous enseignons la dernière version du cours d'Open Water selon laquelle nos étudiants apprennent á créer et planifier une plongée indépendante en utilisant un ordinateur de plongée. PADI actualise et améliore continuellement les formations afin de vous aider á devenir des plongeurs compétents et surs d'eux-mêmes.

A la fin de ce cours, vous serez certifié pour plonger n'importe oú dans le monde á une profondeur de 18 mètres.

Pour vous inscrire, vous devez savoir nager et être en bonne condition physique. Vous devrez remplir un questionnaire médical et obtenir un certificat médical de votre médecin si vous avez un “oui” á l'une des questions.

Durée Option Prix
5 jours Prix total par personne incluant
la certification PADI et le e-book
NIS 1,650
  Manuel au lieu du e-book Ajouter 60
E-learning PADI – complétez votre théorie avant de venir Ajouter 160

Open Water Upgrade

C'est toujours une bonne idée d'étendre vos connaissances et d'obtenir une formation supplémentaire pour devenir un plongeur plus confiant. Si vous avez une certification PADI Scuba Diver – aucune importance depuis quand – la prochaine étape est d'obtenir la certification Open Water. Vous serez certifié pour plonger á 18 m et autorisé á plonger sans supervision professionnelle.

Le cours Open Water Upgrade est composé de:
  • Révisions des connaissances modules 4 et 5
  • Plongées en milieu protégé 4 et 5
  • Plongées en milieu naturel 3 et 4
Pour vous inscrire au cours d'Advanced Open Water, vous devez être certifié Scuba Diver. Vous devrez remplir un questionnaire médical et obtenir un certificat médical de votre médecin si vous avez un “oui” á l'une des questions. L'autorisation de votre médecin ne doit pas être datée de plus de 2 ans et sous condition d'état de santé inchangé.
Durée Option Prix
2 jours Prix total par personne
incluant la certification PADI
NIS 1,020

Scuba Diver

Le cours PADI Scuba Diver de 2 jours vous donne un peu plus de la moitié du cours d'Open Water et vous permet d'être certifié á 12 m au lieu de 18 m. On vous demande également de promettre de ne plonger qu'avec un professionnel (instructeur ou divemaster) jusqu'à ce que vous obteniez votre niveau Open Water, certification que vous pouvez faire n'importe quand et n'importe oú dans le monde. Vous utiliserez le même livre, donc ne le perdez pas!

Le cours PADI Scuba Water est composé de:
  • 3 modules de révisions des connaissances
  • 3 plongées en Milieu Protégé
  • 2 plongées en milieu naturel

Pour vous inscrire, vous devez savoir nager et être en bonne condition physique. Vous devrez remplir un questionnaire médical et obtenir un certificat médical de votre médecin si vous avez un “oui” á l'une des questions.

Durée Option Prix
2 jours Prix total par personne incluant
la certification PADI et le e-book
NIS 1,090
  Manuel au lieu du e-book Ajouter 60
E-learning PADI – complétez votre théorie avant de venir Ajouter 160

Open Water Referral

“Open Water Referral” signifie que vous faites votre théorie et vos plongées en milieu protégé (piscine) de votre cours Open Water dans un centre de plongée proche de chez vous – ou n'importe quel endroit dans le monde- et que vous terminez votre cours dans un autre centre de plongée et dans une eau plus chaude avec de beaux récifs coralliens. Nous sommes heureux d'être ce centre de plongée !

Votre instructeur PADI local, avec qui vous commencez le cours, remplira le formulaire de référence qui nous donnera officiellement tous les détails de ce que vous avez fait pendant votre cours. Nous apprécions d'obtenir ce formulaire á l'avance afin de savoir ce qui vous reste á faire pour compléter votre certification.

Un Open Water Referral standard consiste en un Quick Review (révision) de vos connaissances en plongée en salle de classe, une évaluation de vos compétences sous l'eau, et 4 plongées en milieu naturel. Le prix ci-dessous concerne un referral standard, donc demandez-nous un devis si vous souhaitez autre chose que le standard.

Remarque : si vous choisissez l'option e-learning pour votre cours d'Open Water, vous devez le commander avec nous et non pas avec votre centre de plongée local, sinon vous paierez votre certification deux fois. Vous pouvez également l'acheter directement auprès de PADI et indiquer notre nom en tant que centre de plongée, mais nous vous le vendrons moins cher en lien avec votre cours. Contactez-nous á l'avance!

Vous devrez remplir un questionnaire médical et obtenir un certificat médical de votre médecin si vous avez un “oui” á l'une des questions. Si vous avez obtenu un certificat de votre médecin au début de votre cours, vous pouvez nous l'apportez s’il n'y a aucun changement de votre état de santé.
Durée Option Prix
2 jours Prix total par personne
incluant la certification
NIS 1,020
  PADI e-learning (acheté avec nous) Ajouter 400

Cours d'Advanced et de Rescue

Etendez votre connaissance de la plongée avec de nouvelles experiences sous-marines. Gagnez en competences et confiance en tant que plongeur.

Plongeur Advanced Open Water

Le cours d'Advanced Open Water vous initie á différentes sortes d'aventures sous-marines.

Ce cours consiste en 5 plongées á thèmes du programme “PADI Aventures in Diving”, avec une plongée profonde et une plongée d'orientation sous-marine comme thèmes requis. Vous pouvez le compléter en 2 ou 3 jours selon votre choix.

Dépendant de vos intérêts, les autres plongées peuvent être choisies parmi les thèmes suivants : Recherche et Récupération d'objets, Plongeur Naturaliste sous-marin, Plongée Épave, Air Enrichi ou Nitrox (pour ceux qui souhaite se diriger vers la spécialité Air Enrichi), Identification des poissons, Contrôle de la flottabilité, et autres. Certains choix, comme la plongée bateau, de nuit et la photographie sous-marine, peuvent entrainer un coût supplémentaire comme indiqué ci-dessous. Chaque plongée est accompagnée d'une petite session en classe qui peut également être complétée par une étude personnelle du manuel lié au cours.

A la fin de ce cours, vous serez certifié pour plonger n'importe où dans le monde, á une profondeur de 30 mètres.

Pour vous inscrire au cours d'Advanced Open Water, vous devez être certifié Plongeur Open Water avec un organisme de plongée reconnu. Vous devrez également remplir un questionnaire médical et obtenir un certificat médical si vous avez un “oui” á l'une des questions. Votre certificat médical doit être daté de moins de 2 ans si votre état de santé n'a pas changé.


Durée Option Prix
2 jours,
5 plongées
Prix total par personne incluant
la certification PADI et le e-book
NIS 1,175
3 jours,
6 plongées
Prix total par personne incluant
la certification PADI et le e-book
NIS 1,350
Choix de livre:
  Manuel au lieu du e-book Ajouter 60
  PADI e-learning Ajouter 160
Choix de plongée:
  Plongée Bateau, ou cours sur le bateau Ajouter 70
par jour
  Plongée de nuit en hiver / été Ajouter 50/100
  Photographe sous-marin
votre caméra / notre caméra
Ajouter 50/100


Le Programme Adventures in Diving

Le programme “PADI Adventures in Diving” vous donne l'opportunité de gagner en expérience et d'étendre vos horizons á un rythme plus détendu que le cours complet d'Advanced Open Water. C'est parfait pour les voyageurs qui n'ont pas le temps de compléter un cours d'Advanced Open Water pendant une courte visite d'Eilat.

Choisissez 3 plongées á thème pour vous qualifier pour cette certification. Il sera toujours temps de compléter le cours d'Advanced Open Water plus tard.

Les conditions d'inscription sont les mêmes que pour le cours d'Advanced Open Water.

Durée   Prix
1-2 jours   Nous contacter

Plongeur Rescue

Cet incroyable cours va étendre votre connaissance et votre niveau d'expérience, et vous montrer une autre facette de la plongée sous-marine.

Il ne s'agit pas d'un cours pour voir de beaux poissons et des coraux. Vous apprendrez la sécurité ainsi que des exercices de sauvetage pour vous-même et vous apprendrez á secourir d'autres plongeurs dans différentes situations.

Même si ce cours est un véritable défi, c'est une manière enrichissante de construire son estime de soi.

Il va vous préparer á anticiper les problèmes et, si nécessaire, á gérer des cas d'urgences. Vous verrez les sujets suivants : auto-sauvetage et plongeur stressé, gestion et équipement d'urgence, réagir face á un plongeur paniqué, protocoles pour la respiration artificielle dans l'eau, sortir une victime de l'eau, des scénarios d'accident de plongée.

Pour vous inscrire au cours de Rescue, vous devez être certifié Advanced Open Water par un organisme reconnu. Afin d'être certifié plongeur rescue, vous devez impérativement avoir completé le cours d'Emergency First Response ou une équivalence en premiers secours et Réanimation Cardio-pulmonaire.

Durée Option Prix
2 jours Prix total par personne incluant
la certification PADI et le e-book
NIS 1,235
Manuel au lieu du e-book Ajouter 60

Emergency First Response

Emergency First Response is PADI's state-of-the art first aid and CPR course, generally offered in conjunction with a Rescue Diver course.

Course Information:
Length Option Price
½ day Total course price per person including certification and book NIS 590
  If book is unavailable in your language NIS 450

PADI Specialty Courses

Whether you're progressing towards your Master Scuba Diver rating, or just taking the courses that specifically interest you, we offer more than a dozen PADI Specialty courses covering a wide variety of subjects. 

If you earned your PADI Advanced Open Water certification with Shulamit's Eilat Diving Adventures, then in most cases we'll be able to give you credit for the first dive in any specialty course for which you completed the corresponding Adventure Dive.

Please note that all the prices below are for course dives done from shore (except for the Boat Diver Course). For doing specialty course dives from our boat (when possible), add NIS 70 per two-dive day. Wreck, Search and Recovery, and Night dives cannot be done from the boat.

Our Most Popular

Enriched Air Diver

Enriched Air, also known as Nitrox, is a blend of air with additional oxygen that gives you longer bottom times with increased safety margins. This means more time underwater, especially on deeper dives to 30m (100 ft) and on repetitive dives.

You'll learn: Techniques for getting more dive time by using enriched air nitrox, enriched air scuba diving equipment considerations, and managing oxygen exposure. You can combine this with an Advanced Open Water Diver certification to make the most of your diving experiences afterwards.

To enroll in an Enriched  Air Diver Course, you must have an Open Water Diver certification from a recognized dive training organization.
Course Information:
Length Option Price
1 day,
2 dives
Course price per person
including PADI certification
NIS 525
Course book (required) Add 110

Deep Diver

Safely extend your depth range with the PADI Deep Diver Course. In addition to performing dives to 30m (100 ft) and 40m (130 ft), you will learn more about emergency breathing equipment and other diving techniques useful for deep diving.

At the end of the course you'll be certified to dive anywhere in the world, to a depth of 40 meters (130 ft).

To enroll in a Deep Diver Course, you must have an Advanced Open Water Diver certification. You will also have to fill out a medical questionnaire and must be cleared for diving by a doctor if you answer ‘yes’ to any question.
Course Information:
Length Option Price
2 days,
4 dives
Course price per person (min. 2 people)
including PADI certification
NIS 900
  Course price for one person
including PADI certification
NIS 975
Course book (if available in your language) Add 105

Wreck Diver

Would you like to dive inside a shipwreck and have a look around?
Learn how to do it safely!

During the wreck course, you’ll receive instruction and practical guidance that will teach you  ways to avoid common hazards associated with diving and exploring shipwrecks, special equipment considerations for wreck scuba diving, techniques for entering intact wrecks, and the best methods for researching potential wreck site visits and dives You’ll also plan, organize and carry out at least four wreck dives with your PADI Instructor.

To enroll in a Wreck Diver Course, you must have an Advanced Open Water Diver certification. You will also have to fill out a medical questionnaire and must be cleared for diving by a doctor if you answer ‘yes’ to any question.
Course Information:
Length Option Price
2 days,
4 dives
Course price per person (min. 2 people)
including PADI certification
NIS 900
  Course price for one person
including PADI certification
NIS 975
Course book (if available in your language) Add 130

Other Multi-Day Specialty Courses


Search and Recovery Diver

Have you ever lost anything in the water, and wished you knew how to find your lost possessions on the bottom the sea and bring then up to the surface safely? If so, then this is the course for you!

This course is a fun course where you learn and practice very useful skills. You'll learn different search techniques, how to find small and large objects and how to use a lift bag effectively ands safely.
To enroll in a Search and Recovery Diver Course, you must have an Advanced Open Water Diver certification.
Course Information:
Length Option Price
2 days,
4 dives
Course price per person (min. 2 people)
including PADI certification
NIS 950
  Course price for one person
including PADI certification
NIS 1,050
Course book
(if available in your language)
Add 115

Underwater Navigator

Have you ever lost your way in “blue” water or on a flat, featureless ocean bottom! Have you ever wanted to find your way to a specific point in the ocean?

The Underwater Navigator Course teaches you how to use your compass in an efficient way and how to use other clues for underwater navigation. You'll also learn navigation patterns, relocating a submerged object, underwater map making, distance estimation under water

To enroll in an Underwater Navigator Course, you must have an Open Water Diver certification.
Course Information:
Length Option Price
1-2 days,
3 dives
Course price per person (min. 2 people)
including PADI certification
NIS 850
  Course price for one person
including PADI certification
NIS 950
Course book (if available in your language) Add 130

Night Diver

Get to know a whole new view on the underwater world. You can see the daytime creatures sleeping – most of the reef fish are not out at night – and you'll find creatures that you rarely see out in daytime, which can include crabs, slipper lobsters, squids and cuttlefishes, and nocturnal nudibranch species. You might see corals feeding or spawning, as a whole different part of the reef becomes alive.

In this course, you'll learn about night dive planning, organization, procedures, techniques and potential problems, buoyancy control at night, underwater navigation at night, and of course using a dive light.

To enroll in a Night Diver Course, you must have an Open Water Diver certification. 
Course Information:
Length Option Price
2-3 days,
3 dives
Course price per person (min. 2 people)
including PADI certification
NIS 850
  Course price for one person
including PADI certification
NIS 1,150
Summer (Daylight Savings Time in Israel) Add 150

One-Day Specialty Courses

Digital Underwater Photographer

This is a great one-day practical course if you're just getting started with your new digital camera, have already been taking underwater photos but aren't satisfied with the results, or are just thinking about taking pictures during your dives and want to see what it's all about. You'll learn techniques for achieving sharp and colorful pictures, how composing pictures, improving your results by adjusting your camera settings, and maintaining your camera equipment.

Every underwater photograph on this website was taken by us in Eilat using a simple point-and-shoot digital camera in an underwater housing.
To enroll in a Digital Underwater Photographer Course, you must have an Open Water Diver certification.

Course Information:
Length Option Price
1 day,
2 dives
Course price per person
including PADI certification
NIS 600
  Camera rental
(if you don't bring your own)
Add 100
Course book (if available in your language) Add 160

Underwater Naturalist

Get a deeper understanding of the entire underwater flora and fauna. Have more fun by being a better observer.

You'll learn the major aquatic life groupings, interactions and factual information that dispels negative myths, the role of aquatic plants, food chains and predator-prey relationships, symbiosis, responsible interactions with aquatic life and more.

To enroll in an Underwater Naturalist Course, you must have an Open Water Diver certification.
Course Information:
Length Option Price
1 day,
2 dives
Course price per person
including PADI certification
NIS 525
Course book (if available in your language) Add 130

Fish Identification

We've all asked the question: What's that fish?

This course helps you with tips and guides for easy fish identification. You'll learn how to identify characteristics of fish families and species, fish survey techniques and strategies, and how to practice fish identification dive planning, organization and procedures.

To enroll in a Fish ID Course, you must have an Open Water Diver certification. 
Course Information:
Length Option Price
1 day,
2 dives
Course price per person
including PADI certification
NIS 525

Peak Performance Buoyancy

If you fell that you have trouble achieving and maintaining neutral buoyancy, or that you're using too much air during your dives, take the PADI Peak Performance Buoyancy Course.

You'll learn how to improve your buoyancy skills, achieve proper weighting and distribution of weights,  and be more relaxed diver underwater. 
To enroll in a Peak Performance Buoyancy Course, you must have an Open Water Diver certification.

Course Information:
Length Option Price
1 day,
2 dives
Course price per person
including PADI certification
NIS 525
Course book (if available in your language) Add 100

Boat Diver

Much of the world’s best scuba diving is accessible only by boat. Whether you’ve never made a boat dive or you’ve logged dozens, the PADI Boat Diver Specialty course will will expand your knowledge about boats from small inflatables to large liveaboards.

You’ll gain experience scuba diving by completing two dives from our boat and learn boat terminology, boat diving procedures and etiquette, and boating safety.
To enroll in a Boat Diver Course, you must have an Open Water Diver certification.
Course Information:
Length Option Price
1 day,
2 dives
Course price per person
including PADI certification
NIS 595
Course book (if available in your language) Add 100

Surface Marker Buoy Specialist

Surface marker buoys (SMBs) allow scuba divers to mark boundaries for mapping or search and recovery, alert boat traffic, or provide a line as a visual reference for ascending divers. During two dives, learn the proper techniques and protocols for using surface marker buoys and delayed surface marker buoys (DSMBs) in the local area.
To enroll in a Surface Marker Buoy Specialist Course, you must have an Open Water Diver certification.

Course Information:
Length Option Price
1 day,
2 dives
Course price per person
including PADI certification
NIS 550

Drift Diver

The PADI Drift Diver Specialty course teaches you how to enjoy going with the flow as you use ocean currents to glide along. It feels like flying – except that you’re underwater using scuba equipment. Drift diving can be relaxing and exhilarating at the same time.

Along with drift diving techniques and procedures, you’ll receive an introduction to drift diving equipment: floats, lines and reels, get an overview of aquatic currents, and practice with buoyancy control, navigation and communication during two dives.
To enroll in a Drift Diver Course, you must have an Open Water Diver certification.
Course Information:
Length Option Price
1 day,
2 dives
Course price per person
including PADI certification
NIS 525
Course book (if available in your language) Add 100

Specialty Courses where you don't get wet!

Equipment Specialist

 Whether it's a missing o-ring, wetsuit tear or a broken fin strap, the PADI Equipment Specialist course teaches you to manage basic repairs and adjustments. You'll also learn more about how your gear works, making you more comfortable with it and better prepared to take care of your investment.

You’ll learn about routine care and maintenance procedures as well as scuba equipment storage recommendations. Your instructor will show you how to overcome some common equipment problems and offer equipment configuration suggestions.
To enroll in an Equipment Specialist Course, you must have at least a Scuba Diver certification.
Course Information:
Length Option Price
  Course price per person
including PADI certification
NIS 525
Encyclopedia of Recreational Diving
Add 190

Emergency Oxygen Provider

This course teaches you to recognize diving illnesses treatable by emergency oxygen, proper equipment setup, and how to administer oxygen.

This course is useful for every diver who wants to be able to assist a fellow diver and for non-divers who are around divers, such as boat crews and non-diving buddies
Course Information:
Length Option Price
 1 day Course price per person
including PADI certification
NIS 450

Technical Gas Blender

The Tec Gas Blender course teaches you to blend enriched air nitrox and helium-blend gases and qualifies you to work as a Gas Blender in a PADI Dive Center or Resort. It does not count towards a Master Scuba Diver rating.

The course includes three practical application sessions. During independent study and instructor-led review, you learn about the advantages and disadvantages of different blending methodologies, how to blend enriched air and trimix blends to within one percent of the target mix, about the potential hazards related to handling oxygen, and how to manage those risks. To demonstrate the steps for oxygen cleaning equipment, along with the requirements for oxygen service.
To enroll in a Technical Gas Blender Course, you must have an Enriched Air Diver certification.
Course Information:
Length Option Price
2 days Course price per person
including PADI certification

Professional Courses

As a PADI 5-Star Instructor Development Center we offer a full range of PADI professional courses including Divemaster, Assistant Instructor, and the Instructor Development Course (or just the Open Water Scuba Instructor course if you're already a PADI AI, or crossing over from another organization).

General Info

ABOUT INTERNSHIPS: Internships are unpaid, and you're expected to cover your own living expenses. In exchange for helping us out by supporting daily dive center activities, you can complete missing dives needed for your certification, and get valuable hands-on experience as Divemasters, Assistant Instructors or Instructors, at no extra cost beyond our regular course prices.

EQUIPMENT: We do not charge for equipment rental while you're enrolled in a professional course or internship.

LODGING: We do not provide accommodations, but we are usually successful in helping Divemaster and Instructor Interns find suitable private lodgings for less than NIS 2,000 per month.

SCHEDULING: Dates for Divemaster and Assistant Instructor courses are completely flexible. In contrast, OWSI or IDC courses only take place in the two weeks before scheduled Instructor Examinations (IE).

2018 IE dates in Eilat: March 05/06, June 11/12, September 12/13, and December 19/20.

INSTRUCTION: Divemaster, Assistant Instructor and EFR Instructor Courses are taught and supervised by PADI Master Instructor Shulamit Koretz. OWSI Courses and IDC's are taught and supervised by PADI Course Director Oren Nesher.


As a PADI Divemaster, you'll be qualified to assist PADI Instructors with students, lead certified divers on guided dive tours, teach and certify PADI Skin Divers, teach PADI Discover Snorkeling programs, and conduct PADI Scuba Review programs for certified divers all over the world. [Note: Israeli dive regulations do not allow divemasters to conduct mandatory refresher dives or introductory dives.]

The PADI Divemaster course teaches you to be a leader and take charge of dive activities. Through knowledge development sessions, waterskills exercises and workshops, and hands-on practical assessment, you develop the skills to organize and direct a variety of scuba diving activities. Additional information on course content and prerequisites can be found on the Divemaster Course Page on the PADI website.

INTERNSHIP OPTION: You can complete a Divemaster course in 8-10 days, or you can stay for a Divemaster Internship, ideally for at least a month. During the internship, formal course content is interspersed with daily dive center activities (6 days per week) ranging from assisting in courses, programs and guided dives to experiencing how to plan, execute and lead group dives safely. Divemasters who have finished an internship with Shulamit leave with experience and confidence that carry over to the next step, whether it be working somewhere in the world as a Divemaster, or advancing to the next step of an Assistant Instructor Course or Instructor Development Course.

COSTS: The Divemaster Course costs NIS 3,000, regardless of whether you come for just the course or for a full internship. In addition, the PADI course materials cost NIS 850, and you'll pay the application fee including first-year PADI membership of about 100 euros (subject to change) directly to PADI when it's time to be certified. The PADI course materials are available in English and many other languages, but not in Hebrew. Please let us know what language you prefer a few weeks in advance. Classroom instruction is possible in English, German, French or Hebrew.

DIVES: If you arrive without the 40 logged dives necessary for enrollment in the Divemaster course, you can complete the missing dives with us at a 50% discount on our guided diving rates. Once you've qualified for the Divemaster course with 40 dives, Divemaster Interns who don't have the 60 dives necessary for completing their certification as a Divemaster can complete those dives for free as part of their internship. While not a PADI requirement, we do request that our Divemaster (or higher) candidates be Nitrox-certified or take a Nitrox course with us.

Assistant Instructor

The PADI Assistant Instructor Course can be taken as a standalone course, or it is often combined with the Open Water Scuba Instructor (OWSI) Course in a full Instructor Development Course (IDC) leading to a PADI Instructor Examination (IE).

INTERNSHIP OPTIONS: You can complete an AI course in 5-6 days, or you can combine the course either with a Divemaster Internship (see above) or an Instructor Internship (see below).

COSTS: The standalone Assistant Instructor Course costs NIS 3,000. There are no required course materials, but if you'll be continuing on to the OWSI, you can already purchase the IDC Candidate Crewpak at this time for NIS 2,500. You'll pay the application fee including first-year membership directly to PADI. For our Divemaster candidates who continue on to the Assistant Instructor Course (with or without internship) within 3 months, the combined cost is only NIS 5,000 for the two courses (instead of NIS 6,000).

Assistant Instructor + Instructor Internship

Divemasters who don't have the 100 dives necessary for becoming an instructor, as well as those who would like more practical experience before preparing for the IE and becoming PADI Instructors, can enroll in an Instructor Internship. In this case an Instructor Candidate will begin the Assistant Instructor Course right away, and stay on as an Instructor Intern in the weeks leading up to the OWSI portion of the IDC. Instructor Interns who don't have 100 dives will complete the missing dives while participating in and supporting daily dive center activities (6 days per week) during their Internship, at no extra cost.

Instructor Development

If you've gotten this far then you probably know all about it, but in any case information on course content and prerequisites can be found on the Instructor Development Course page on the PADI website.

A full IDC including the required EFR Instructor Course takes at least 10 days. The OWSI (plus EFR Instructor Course) will take 5-6 days.

COSTS: A full IDC (AI+OWSI) costs NIS 5,750, including the EFR Instructor Course required for becoming a PADI Instructor. In addition, the course materials (Instructor Candidate Crewpak and EFR Instructor kit) cost NIS 2,500, and you'll pay the Instructor Examination fee of GBP 555 and the EFR Instructor certification fee of GBP 72 (both subject to change) directly to PADI.

The OWSI course, including EFR Instructor, costs NIS 3,750, and all of the other additional costs associated with the full IDC and IE apply, although of course you don't have to purchase the Instructor Candidate Crewpak again if you purchased it for your AI Course. (An OWSI course without the EFR instructor add-on costs NIS 3,000, and a standalong EFR Instructor Course costs NIS 1,250.)

If you're already an AI or an instructor doing a crossover from another organization, and you enroll in an OWSI course, you can attend the AI Course sessions of the IDC at no extra charge, assuming that a full IDC (and not just an OWSI) is taking place. It will be good practice for the IE.

Israeli Apprenticeship

If you're planning on working as a dive professional in Israel (as AI or Instructor), you need to obtain an Instructor Permit (ishur hadracha) from the Israeli Diving Authority. If that's your plan, you're welcome to stay on with us at no charge immediately after the AI Course or IE as an unpaid intern (stazh) and obtain your permit. Contact us for details.